QiGong: pulling down the heaven. Episode 1.
Are you stressed? Depressed? Anxious? Have any pain or ache?
Are you exhausted and tired all the time?
I want to help you! Really, I want you to feel better! And here I would like to show you very easy qigong practice which will help you.
Watch this video and join me practicing this easy QiGong
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What are QiGong exercises?
Each qigong practice includes Body movement/posture, Mind intention/visualization, and Spirit breath/energy. I will work you through each step below. So they work on Body/Mind/Spirit levels.
Here is step by step instructions:
Step 1. Intention
Choose if you need to do some clearings, detox, relaxation. This will be your intention and you can help it by visualizing a rain of mixed earth and heaven energy washes front, back, and center of your body-mind-spirit.
If you are tired, exhausted, and want to recharge, then visualize a rain of mixed earth and heaven energy gathered into lower dantian when you move arms down.
Step 2. Posture
If you stand, put your feet shoulder-width apart. if you cannot stand, you can do it sitting down, and planting your feet on the ground.
Step 3. Movement, Breathing and Imagination
Practice the pulling down the heaven exercise three times.
We can finish in wuji posture or with hands on dantian.
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